Maps & Position Finding


You would like to know where a particular vehicle is currently. You may also be interested in finding out where it was at a particular time? You would no doubt like to see which route a vehicle has traveled. These are typical requirements for the use of geographical information. We go a few steps further however.


It helps for your dispatchers to have a precise overview of the position of their fleet at all times. We support them in the planning process as well as at many other points by presenting data intelligently on maps.

Cargo planning

Find the correct HGV for your cargo. It’s child’s play with the map-based cargo planning tool to find the right HGV or trailer from a location and time perspective for the cargo in question.

HGV planning

HGV planning is a map-based tool for helping you find the nearest cargo for your HGV. This means fewer empty runs and faster cargo intake.

Trucking planning

Trucking planning includes transshipment points at railways and ports to allow you to integrate trains and ferries optimally in your scheduling.

Key features

  • live position finding
  • transparent scheduling
  • consideration of truck attributes

Your advantages

  • time and cost savings
  • satisfied drivers
  • fuel savings
  • information on arrival times
© 2025 fleeture GmbH